CodaX is a source code generator especially designed for iOS developers
CodaX is great for beginners but also for professionals.
For programming you need an Apple Macintosh, Apple Macbook, or an iPad with SWIFT Playgrounds.
Import own images
With CodaX you can easily create an animation, import your own images and play with many parameters.
Try CodaX and you’ll find out that it is a lot of fun to create new animations.
Create new animations from a variety of templates or generate your own animations and save them.
Source code generator
CodaX can generate the source code for each individual animation for you – completely with syntax highlighting.
The source code can always be viewed on your iOS device if you save the animation.
CodaX can generate source code for the various functions to be selected and deselected (for example with comments Yes / No, with bounds Yes / No, etc.)
The source code generation is optional and must be purchased as InApp purchase first.
Supported Devices
You can use CodaX on any of your iOS devices (iPhone, iPod, iPad) beginning with iOS 8
– 3 different types of animation
– About 20 animation templates
– Save and load your own animations
– Import your own pictures from the camera or from the photo app
– Images with transparency effects are supported (PNG can be selected)
– Many settings possible (Bounds, layer position, ViewContentMode, Anchor, etc.)
– CAMediaTimingFunction (so that you can individually adjust the timing of your animation). Sliding with the finger on the control points and observe how the animation curve and the animation itself will change (at the iPad that is possible even in real time).
– CAKeyframeAnimation (make your own keyframes, alter them and sort them)
– Usage tips integrated
– Share CodaX with Facebook or Twitter
Source code generator
CodaX can generate the source code for each individual animation for you – completely with syntax highlighting.
The source code can always be viewed on your iOS device if you save the animation.
CodaX can generate source code for the various functions to be selected and deselected (for example with comments Yes / No, with bounds Yes / No, etc.)
The source code generation is optional and must be purchased as InApp purchase first.
Animation types
CATransform3DRotate (rotating objects in the X, Y, Z axis)
CATransform3DScale (scaling objects in the X, Y, Z axis)
CATransform3DTranslate (moving objects in the X, Y, Z axis)
The generated source code can be shared with mail (syntax highlighting is also included in the email).
Usage tips
completely available as PDF
Version 3.1
- I’ve changed a little bit on the keyboard input
- Numbers are now limited to two decimal places
- an existing number is automatically replaced if it already has two decimal places
- the link to the official website has been changed
Version 3.0
- CodaX source code generator supports now the programming language SWIFT V3
- CodaX supports Swift Playgrounds on the iPad YES YES YES :)
- the source code is adapted directly for Swift Playgrounds and copied to the clipboard
- Objective C source code can be copied into the clipboard
Version 2.2
- CodaX Supports now Swift 2.0 :)
- Objective C updated
Version 2.1
- CodaX Supports now Swift 1.2 :)
- optimized SWIFT code generation
Version 2.0
- generate source code for the amazing new programming language SWIFT :)
- selection window for your programming language (choose SWIFT or ObjectiveC)
- syntax highlighting for SWIFT has been added
- small bug fixes
Version 1.3
- bugfix (share source with iPad don’t work with iOS8)
Version 1.2
- iOS8 Support
- source generation updateted
- Usage tips updated to version 1.2
Version 1.1
- two critical bugs have been fixed (the program could crash under certain circumstances.)
- CATransform3DRotate an error in the source code generation was fixed
- Usage tips updated to version 1.1
- a font error in CodaX store has been corrected
watch a preview.
CodaX is not only useful, it’s fun.
iOS 3D Animation Tutorial create a animation with CodaX transform 3d
Create a iOS app with a perspective animation.
Using CodaX transform 3D to generate the Source Code and Xcode to create your app.